major determinant of success in pretty much every walk
Mindset is a major
determ inant of success in pretty much every walk of life, the thinking patterns
you adopt largely controls the results you achieve.
Entrepreneurs have an
incredible opportunity to create something from nothing, in a way that’s not
possible working as an Employee. But this means making big decisions about what
must be don e, when and how. Successful entrepreneurs understand that
opportunities may be short-lived, and so develop a sense of urgency that helps
them achieve their goals.
As an entrepreneur you
are mainly responsible for ensuring that things get done. As an entrepreneur,
you have to project your mind forward, thinking about the potential pitfalls
and opportuni ties, and making the most of your decisions based on uncertainty.
This requires you to understand that decisions you make today will have an
impact on your business three months or even five years down the line.
As an employee, you’re
used to thinking ‘inside the box’ rather than outside. As an entrepreneur,
there is no box. You see what others don’t, test new ideas, seize new
territory, take risks. This requires courage, a thick skin and the ability to
keep going despite rejection and skepticism.
As an employee, you have
a job description, requiring a specific skill-set. Being an entrepreneur
involves learning many new skills, unless you have the funds to outsource what
you’re not good at or don’t want to do.
As an employee, you can
go on doing something you dislike just for the salary. As an entrepreneur, you
will need to love your business because of the effort and long hours required.
But you mustn’t fall into the trap of thinking and acting like an employee in
your own company, working ‘in’ rather than ‘on’ the business.
As an employee, breaking
the rules could mean dismissal. Entrepreneurs on the other hand, aren’t
interested in the status quo, they’re always looking for ways to do things
differently. That means acquiring a global perspective, always peering over the
horizon, or at least towards it, to where the next big thing is waiting.
Most people
under-estimate the time it takes to make the transition to entrepreneur, so
it’s sensible to start shifting your mindset while you’re still employed,
perhaps even setting up a business to run alongside. This could give you the
opportunity to develop skills and build experience while still enjoying the
safety-net of a salary, something that at some point you will almost certainly
need to give up if you want to grow your business.
So, employee or entrepreneur? Is it time to switch? Sign up now on to know more about our entrepreneurial plans
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