is as a sign of vanity or selfishness, assuming that they care mo
Myth No. 1: Pregnant Women Should Eat For Two
>People frequently urge pregnant women to eat more, and if they refuse, some will interpret this as a sign of vanity or selfishness, assuming that they care mor e about their appearance than the health of the baby.But actually, you don’t need that many extra calories to provide
for a growing fetus. If you’re pregnant, you should increase your caloric
intake slightly but only starting from the second trimester. Even then, experts
recommend an increas e of 340 calories per day and 450 calories per day in the
third trimester.
Overeating, especially the wrong kinds of foods, can be harmful.
The emphasis sho uld be on keeping a nutrient-dense, healthy diet.
Myth No. 2: Period Pains Will Disappear Once
You’ve Had a Baby
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